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SAP system online, Huaxing Holdings into the era of intelligent data
Time:2022.04.19 Font Size
On April 18, 2022, SAP system was officially launched, and a meeting was held at 8:00 a.m. Gao Hongmin, President of the group, Liu Hong, general manager of mechanical sector, Wu Gang, SAP project partner, members of SAP project team, and representatives of our employees attended the meeting.

First, SAP project leader Liu Hong briefly reviewed the whole process of SAP launch. Since the launch of the conference on October 25, 2021, in less than half a year, a number of special meetings have been held to make the blueprint design more reasonable through constant communication. In the middle and later stages, I organized training for members of various departments for many times, and found out small details in practice for improvement.

Afterwards, Mr. Gao expressed warm congratulations on the successful launch of the project and thanked all the project team members for working on the problem day and night for half a year. At the same time, the successful implementation of the SAP project is a milestone in the informatization construction of Huaxing Holdings, and also a new starting point. We hope all Huaxing employees can work hard as always to improve the SAP system together.

Then the chairman held a meeting of middle and senior management of the company and put forward three requirements for SAP online operation:


First, emphasize the importance of SAP. Information management is the only way for the survival and development of enterprises, but also the trend of the development of The Times, we should improve the level of enterprise management through ERP system, strengthen the core competitive strength of the market, keep up with the pace of the development of The Times and the company, adapt to the development requirements, do not be eliminated.


Second, the emphasis on departments to improve the awareness of service. SAP online is related to the future development of Huaxing. The key to enterprise competition lies in information transmission and rapid response, using the system for information connection, making the process of each department clearer and clearer, and improving our work efficiency.


Three, emphasize the whole factory a game of chess, action consistency. All departments should remove rules and regulations, break down barriers, strengthen cooperation and overcome difficulties. We should let SAP follow the process and demand of our enterprise to carry out continuous upgrading, and do a good job for us, so as to truly achieve the goal of easy to use, simple, timely and fast.

The smooth launch of SAP system marks that Huaxing Company has realized leapfrog development in the practice of digital transformation, and has taken an important step towards the goal of "becoming a benchmark enterprise and building a hundred Years Star".