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The leaders of the District Federation of Trade unions visit Huaxing to guide the work!
Time:2022.06.01 Font Size

On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 |


Leaders of district Federation of Trade unions

Visit Huaxing to guide our work

Shandong Huaxing

On the morning of June 1st, President Chen Jixiao and Vice President Zhao Yuqi of Lanshan District Federation of Trade Unions visited Huaxing and guided the work. Accompanied by Director Zheng Feng of Jingkai District and Vice Director Wei Huihui of Trade Union, Deputy Secretary Cui Shiqi of Party Committee of Huaxing Machinery and President Gao Huiqin of Trade union, they received warmly.

The leaders of the district Federation of Trade Unions visited the workshop, the new workshop, the restaurant, the supermarket, the laundry room, the home, the central control room, the Party building culture center and other places.


At the meeting, Chairman Chen and Vice Chairman Zhao highly recognized the democratic management work of China Star, and praised the welfare hardware facilities we have built for the employees. At the same time, they also provided guidance for our later party building and labor union work, and indicated that they would continue to provide help in the later period.

Mr. Cui and Mr. Gao expressed their gratitude and promised to further do a good job in democratic management, provide better welfare for employees and build a harmonious and happy Huaxing.


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