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Huaxing Company MES project launch conference
Time:2022.02.10 Font Size


Huaxing Company MES project launch conference

MES Project launch meeting of Shandong Huaxing Construction Machinery Co., LTD

     In order to realize the transformation from traditional manufacturing mode to digital mode, to achieve efficient management of production process, to establish a unified core business platform. On January 19, 2022, Shandong Huaxing Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. held the MES project launch conference. It was held in conference Room No. 5 of the company's conference center. The participants of this meeting included more than 40 people from Shandong Huaxing Holdings, Epigong Hua, VOLVO, Lingong, etc. The main content of this project meeting is the launch ceremony of Huaxing Holdings MES project.

This meeting will be presided over by President Liu.


Huaxing Holdings Fu Bin, chairman of the remote conference

    First of all, Chairman Fu Bin attended the meeting remotely, and on behalf of Huaxing Holdings, he extended a warm welcome to the project partner -- Epigong Hua! The chairman attaches great importance to the implementation of this project, gives expectations and requirements to the staff of both sides of the project, fully absorbs and learns from successful management methods, optimizes operational processes, and achieves the goal of successfully implementing MES. At the same time, the chairman required the staff of the company to actively cooperate with the study to ensure the promotion of the project, and I wish the implementation of the project can be successfully completed.



    Gao Hongmin, President of Huaxing Holdings, congratulated the launch of Huaxing MES project and warmly welcomed the arrival of Epigong Hua project team. He sincerely hoped that Huaxing employees could keep their motivation. Compared with SAP, the complexity of MES project would be higher.


VOLVO Yao Fang director to speak

      Yao Fang, Director of VOLVO, said that the deployment of MES system is a great challenge for all Huaxing colleagues, and it requires all Huaxing staff to work hard together. The launch of MES system will change the existing production mode and improve production efficiency, and I wish this project a complete success.


Aipu Gonghua, Lingong and other representatives to speak

    Then, Director Volvotham, Mr. Wang Epigong, Mr. Wang, Mr. Epigong Waldu spoke in turn. Mr. Wang introduced the project, basic information, implementation direction and plan objectives. At the same time, the general manager of Epigong Hua said that Epigong Hua will go all out to achieve the goal in accordance with high quality. The speakers made detailed statements on the implementation and promotion of this project, and looked forward to the complete success of this digital transformation.


Vice President Liu Hong announced the launch of the project

    At last, Vice President Liu Hong announced the official launch of this project, and celebrated the smooth progress of this project, and held the cake cutting ceremony.


Vice President Liu Hong presided over the oath taking ceremony

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