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The company has launched a "Sending Coolness" activity for employees to ensure prevention and relief from the summer heat.
Time:2022.06.20 Font Size

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In recent days, Linyi region has issued a series of high-temperature warnings. The majority of employees have been sticking to their posts, fighting against the heat and enduring the scorching summer weather, embodying the spirit of "loyalty and diligence" of Huaxing people through practical actions.

Sending coolness in the scorching summer days.  

Ensuring prevention and relief from the summer heat.




Sending Coolness activity.

To effectively ensure the safety and health of frontline workers, since mid-June, the company's party committee has visited and comforted frontline employees in the workshops. They have provided heat-reducing materials such as mung bean soup, ice cream, cooling oil, and Houttuynia cordata water, delivering the organization's care to their hearts and bringing a touch of comfort and coolness to the hot summer days.


Sending Coolness activity.

          Although small, the measures show great care. The sincere thanks and happy smiles on the faces of the employees prove that the size of the love given is not important, but the degree of heart put into it! Through the "visiting workshops and sending coolness" activity, heat-reducing work has been implemented, warming people's hearts, and truly embodying the management concept of "caring for employees, people-oriented, and focusing on safety." The humane care provided by the company to its employees during their work has inspired their enthusiasm for work and further strengthened their cohesion and centripetal force. They have completed their work in the best condition and promoted the company's transformation and development.

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