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The company's Party Committee and Labor Union visited retired veteran party members and cadres.
Time:2022.09.09 Font Size

As the full moon shines brightly during Mid-Autumn Festival, emotions run even deeper. On the occasion of this festival, with great concern for retired veteran party members and cadres, on September 7th, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the company, Cui Shiqi, and Vice Chairman of the Labor Union, Wei Guanghai, visited retired veteran party members and cadres of the company under the commission of the company's Party Secretary and Chairman.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

During the visit and condolences, Secretary Cui had friendly conversations with the retired cadres, inquiring about their health and living conditions, and presenting warm condolences gifts and holiday greetings.

The sincere care and affection conveyed through translation has made retired cadres feel a strong sense of warmth and closeness. They express their heartfelt gratitude for the company's care and attention to retired employees, and wish Huaxing Development continued success in achieving its digital transformation goals as soon as possible!