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The company held a summary report meeting on the SAP ERP project.
Time:2022.09.21 Font Size

On September 21, 2022, Huaxing Company held a summary report meeting on the SAP ERP project, summarizing and reflecting on the work during the entire project period. Attendees at the meeting included Chairman Fu Bin, General Manager Wei and General Manager Yao from Volvo, General Manager Liu Hong, SAP ERP project team members, and department heads.

At the beginning of the meeting, General Manager Yao summarized the completion of the project. Since its launch on October 25, 2021, the implementation and progress of the entire project have been strictly carried out according to the original plan. She then focused on explaining the key business process optimization and changes achieved in this project, and made prospects and plans for the future digitalization scenarios and information distribution logic of the company.

Furthermore, the Digitalization Center and various SAP ERP deployment departments presented summary reports on "positive impacts of system usage on their departments, expectations for SAP ERP phase 2 project, deficiencies identified after using the system and solutions, and areas where improvements can be made if SAP ERP is re-implemented." The leaders gave recognition to their work and placed high expectations on them. They also provided answers and guidance on the issues raised during the meeting.

Subsequently, General Manager Wei provided an analysis of the summary meeting. She acknowledged that the successful implementation of the SAP ERP project was due to everyone's efforts and persistence, and placed high expectations on their future work. She also pointed out the deficiencies and areas for improvement identified during the summary, and hoped that everyone could reflect more deeply and specifically, using data as a support to better implement and promote digital transformation.



The company presented awards for "Project Coordination," "Module Implementation Contribution," "Project Implementation Contribution Team," and "Outstanding Consultant."

Finally, Chairman Fu made an important summary speech, expressing his satisfaction when looking back on the entire project process. He pointed out that the success of the SAP ERP project validated the previous transformation decision and that digital transformation is essential for Huaxing to become an international company. He emphasized that the SAP ERP launch was just the first step, and it is necessary to continue to maintain and improve the project to realize its full value. At the same time, the company will have more systems to go online, and he hoped that all employees will continue to support the company's transformation work with the same enthusiasm and attitude, learn and use various systems well, and contribute to the company's improving efficiency!
