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【Role models around you】——Comrade Li Longjun
Time:2022.05.08 Font Size

Role model around: Li Longjun
Factory for home, due diligence

Li Longjun joined Huaxing in 2013 and is currently working in the machining center of the Excavator Center. 

In the work, he fully develops the spirit of being the master of the job, completes the job responsibilities and tasks with a rigorous and serious working attitude and high quality, striving for first-class performance.

2022 Outstanding Employee of the Company

Stay true to your original aspiration and forge ahead. As an employee of Huaxing New Era, he knows the importance of skills. He not only learns 3D drawing software by himself, but also applies it in NC programming, milling, turning tools and so on. He is able to complete the existing complex products of the excavator center. I have been working hard for nearly ten years. I have been recognized by the leaders and colleagues of the company, and I have been awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Employee by the company for many times.

Bear hardships and stand hard work, take the factory as home. In 2018, I found smoke in the air compressor of the assembly line during the morning shift, and immediately put out the fire with fire extinguisher with Shen Ziyou, the former monitor. When there was an open fire outside the power box, I opened the box and turned off the main power supply immediately. The fire extinguishing effect outside the air compressor was not obvious, and the external wall of the air compressor was dismantled and internal fire extinguishing was carried out at the risk of being burned by the thermal insulation cotton, and most of the main components of the air compressor were preserved. And prevent the flow of open flame assembly line.

In the summer of 2021, due to a sudden rainstorm, the roof sink deformation rain poured out to the machine tool, he quickly rushed into the rain to turn off the power of the machine tool, and with other employees covered the machine tool with tarpaulin, because the upper part of the machine tool is too high and in the rain is not good to cover, so he bit by bit climbed the headstock in the rain little by little to pull the tarpaulin on the machine tool cover, to avoid further losses, Organize other employees to protect the machine tools that are not damaged.

After 2022, when the customer was in urgent need of 126 mine car, he worked overtime every day to ensure the scheduled delivery of products. His spirit of love and dedication is an example for us all to learn from!


Example is a kind of power, showing progress

An example is a banner that inspires people to fight

A role model is a beacon to guide the way

——Remember the star machine selfless dedication of strivers

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