Excellent employee
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【Role models around you】——Comrade Fu Yu
Time:2022.05.25 Font Size

Role model around: Fu Yu
Hard-working and conscientious

Fu Yu, who entered the factory in August 2010, has been working in the welding position of export workshop for 12 years.

During the working period, I am hardworking, active, strict welding quality control, complete each product with quality and quantity guarantee, and keep the welding quality without defects.

2022 Outstanding Employee of the Company

Since joining the factory, the comrade has studied welding technology diligently and tried to improve his welding level. Through continuous efforts, the welding level continues to rise. In the welding skill competition organized by the company, the welding skill level has reached the first level of the temporary worker, and won the second prize in the gold supplier welding competition held by the temporary worker in 2021.

During the working period, this comrade is diligent and hard-working. He is the best employee and excellent model every year. During the working period, he can find some quality problems in time and feed back to the upstream and downstream processes to reduce the quality problems in the workshop.

Since the production of Ji 'nan big boom, pile driver, because of the product welding requirements, and actively devote to the welding process, overtime work to ensure customer delivery, for the company to win a good reputation, his love and dedication spirit is the example we all want to learn!


Example is a kind of power, showing progress

An example is a banner that inspires people to fight

A role model is a beacon to guide the way

——Remember the star machine selfless dedication of strivers

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