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Leaders of All-China Federation of Trade Unions visited Huaxing Logistics and Huaxing Machinery for guidance
Time:2021.06.24 Font Size

Friday, June 24, 2022 |


Shandong Huaxing

On the morning of June 23, the research team dispatched to Lanshan by All-China Federation of Trade Unions, accompanied by Vice Chairman Shao and Minister Meng, Fu Yu, Director of Asset Supervision and Management Department, Cheng 'e, Director of Information Center Office, Guo Haotian, Labor and Economic Work Department, visited Huxing Logistics and Machinery Section to visit and guide the work. Cui Shiqi, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the company, and Gao Huiqin, president of the trade union and general manager of Huaxing Logistics warmly received.

The general manager led a group, has visited the logistics company, Huaxing remote control room, workers' home, workers' laundry, workers' welfare supermarket, workers' restaurant, production workshop, etc. On the way to visit, President Gao gave a brief report on the transformation and upgrading plan of the company's digital intelligence, the situation of production and operation, the life of employees, the construction of labor union organization and the next step planning and ideas.

After hearing the report, General Manager Quan affirmed the work of the company's trade union, and gave guidance to the later work of the trade union. Secretary Cui and President Gao both indicated that in the future work, they should further deepen the guidance of Party building, strengthen the Party and labor construction and mass organization construction, enhance the happiness of employees, improve the happiness index of employees, and give full play to the initiative and creativity of employees. Promote the transformation and upgrading of the company's digital intelligence.

Director Quan Zongfu and other leaders said that they would continue to give further guidance and help during the investigation in Lanshan, summarize the practice and experience of promoting Huaxing, strive to apply for honors, expand publicity and reports, and enhance the visibility of the enterprise.


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